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    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      1 week ago

      Really excited to look into this new series on CBS “The State of Spirituality” by Dr. Lisa Miller. I feel we are so fortunate to be living in a time when science and spirituality are not only coexisting but validating one another. I agree with Dr. Miller that having faith in something “larger” than oneself - call it nature, spirit, universe, God - helps to ground and center me in a way that opens my heart and connect me to all of life. I feel more reverence and gratitude for my life. Everything feels sacred, even what we call the negative/more challenging side of life. I feel it’s there to wake me up, to pull me out of my comfort zone. To make me stronger, more resilient. I would love this gift of an inner life for everyone, especially the young growing up today in a heavy, social media circus.