  1. The Point Magazine12/19/2124 min
    3 reads2 comments
    The Point Magazine
    3 reads
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    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      2 years ago

      Brilliant. Loved it.

    • deephdave
      Top reader this weekTop reader of all timeScout
      2 years ago

      The cynicism of these books is understandable. The gig economy sucks and capitalism sucks and Twitter sucks and nepotism and schmoozing suck, so it makes sense that the fiction and cultural criticism that resonate with us reflect this experience of dissatisfaction. But in wanting to “anticipate the reader,” as Oyler told one interviewer she intended to do, all this writing risks merely adding the experience of reading and writing to this long list of things that suck. Of course it’s terrible to work under these shitty circumstances—but what is the point of working under these shitty circumstances if the circumstances become all we can write about?

      Damn! The Internet is full of pot-boilers and click-bait stuff, where most of the time algorithms select cringeworthy(best/worst) content over good/better content as trending/most viewed and rest vanish into oblivion of dumps of unconsumed data.

      1. Update (1/2/2022):

        We have a few human content curators like The Browser, Web Curios, and The Chatty Mammoth. But those are just the tip of the iceberg, lots of content will remain undiscovered or occasionally appear for a shorter period.

      2. Update (1/2/2022):

        And yes, one of the best weekly newsletters Dense Discovery