  1. David RevoyDavid REVOY6 min
    5 reads3 comments
    David Revoy
    5 reads
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    • thorgalle
      Top reader this weekReading streakScribe
      1 year ago

      This creator of an open-source comic book series, which I used to follow 6+ years ago, already had a larger following on Mastodon than on Twitter. Interesting!

      I've generally not been active on big social media, but I'm still interested in trying out Mastodon at some point soon. It seems to have retained the uptick from the recent Twitter drama. I'm curious if the back-to-the-basics approach on Mastodon provides a much different experience from today's hyper-personalized (ad) feeds.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        1 year ago

        Keep us posted on this!

        I’d love to know if you desert Twitter for Mastadon, and, if so, how it goes. Many readers would be eager to hear more about that.

        • thorgalle
          Top reader this weekReading streakScribe
          1 year ago

          ✅ I’m working on it! (The posting/blogging/sharing part). I’m working on everything, I think.